Sobre Nosotros

Our Roots

Crowns & Roses was born from the passion for Rolex (Crowns) and Tudor (Roses) brands. Many years of collecting, reading, discussing & posting, have inspired this adventure that is aimed at selling the best of both brands – “with a twist”

Our Focus

Enjoy the best Rolex and Tudor offerings with a special accent on rarities, contained size models and the best condition available! 

Meet Our Team

Mary Ann Stewart

CEO, Director

Mary Ann Stewart

CEO, Director

Mary Ann Stewart

CEO, Director

Mary Ann Stewart

CEO, Director


At Crowns & Roses, we prioritize your trust and security. Our online security measures are as exceptional as our watches. We use the latest encryption and rigorous safeguards to protect your information. When you choose us, you’re not just buying a luxury watch; you’re getting a secure shopping experience. Browse our collection with confidence, knowing your data is safe, allowing you to focus on finding the perfect watch to elevate your style.

Best Brands Only